After several complaints to the municipality with no response or action from their part, we started opening blocked manholes around town. Manholes unblocked this week are: Jumbo Centre on McKechnie street, Cnr Fraser & Biddulph Street, Hastings Street Wilgepark, cnr Mauritz and Vowe Street,
Large amounts of sewerage is currently spilling in to the Wilge River and causing damage to our environment and polluting clean stream and river water. This also causes serious health risks to our community and those living down stream.
After lodging several complaints to MAP Water Officials to repair blocked manholes and drains in Hammilton street and Akasia Avenue, HIT Management wrote an official letter to the Municipal Manager Mr Futhuli P Mothamaha and Mayor Ms Mamotsheare Maria Lakaje-Mosia on 02 July 2021 stating a deadline for repairs or correspondence in these matters. Our members confirmed at end of day that no repairs have taken place. HIT Management also received no written correspondence in reply to their letter.
LETTER TO THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER - MALUTI-A-PHOFUNG We would like to bring to your attention that 21 households and 1 business (and not counting those businesses operating from home during Covid lockdown) have been without electricity since 01 January 2021 from 19:30 and we received feedback that electricity was restored on 04 January 2021 at 19:54.
The feedback and complaints we received on the progress of the replacement and repairs from the affected residents: We received word yesterday that there was once again attempted cable theft in the region of Vowe and Steabler Street. The result: Areas in town is still without power while Maluti-A-Phofung contractors are working endlessly to try and resolve the issues.
BIGGEST PIPE BURST EVER! Cnr Stuart and Lindley Street - Original Post Date: 26 December 202012/28/2020 UPDATED: 28 DECEMBER 2020 PREVIOUS UPDATE: 26 DECEMBER 2020 NO ELECTRICITY IN MURRAY STREET SINCE FRIDAY 18 DECEMBER 2020 We would like to bring to your urgent attention that 33 and 44 Murray Street has been without electricity since Friday 18 December.
This problem has already been reported to the Electrical Call Center on more than one occasion since Friday. This area is still without electricity and no attempt has been made to do any repairs or to give us any feedback with regards to the problem. Can you please ensure that this problem is repaired before the end of today? Thank you. Regards HIT MANAGEMENT UPDATE: 26 DECEMBER 2020 - 23:13 FROM ONE OF THE RESIDENTS: Cable was repaired at 1pm today. MEDIA RELEASE: ATTENTION ALL RESIDENTS OF HARRISMITH - 26 DECEMBER 2020 POSSIBILITY OF ELECTRICITY IN WATER NEXT TO 83 STUART STREET – POSSIBILITY OF LIVE ELECTRICITY IN WATER CNR STUART AND LINDLEY STREET We have received no word that this cable has been repaired or that it is at all safe. With the major water leak on Corner Stuart and Lindley Street, there is lots of water on the road. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!! DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN PLAY IN THE WATER AND PLEASE TRY TO AVOID GETTING IN TO CONTACT WITH THE WATER. THE CABLE WAS STILL BURNING FROM UNDER THE GROUND YESTERDAY, WHICH COULD MEAN THAT IT IS NOT PROPERLY INSULATED. THIS COULD BE FATAL. We have reported this to Maluti-A-Phofung again along with the big water pipe burst. We will be following up on this matter. Regards HIT MANAGEMENT The water bubbling shows that there is electricity in the water.
Victoria Street – Repaired A very nasty sewerage spill / blockage at the lower end of town in the field in Victoria Street. The member who reported this blocked manhole felt so concerned with all the sewerage spilling in the field and the nearby stream which leads to the Wilgeriver that he decided to check it out himself. The repair was really easy. He found a 25L Paint Bucket stuck in the bottom of the manhole, once removed, the sewerage flowed freely down the sewerage line.
Some of our members complained about blocked manholes and sewerage spilling in to their properties, in to streets and, which was not being addressed by our local municipality. The health and environmental risks associated with spilling sewerage is a very big concern to all of us and should always be treated as an urgent matter and be repaired as quick as possible. We notified Maluti-A-Phofung and gave them a reasonable time frame in which to repair and resolve these problems. Upon inspection after the deadline, we found that the municipality did not respond to these complaints. We sent our contractors to unblock and to do any necessary repairs to prevent further sewerage spills and leaks. Repairs done will be for Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality's account. Our first letter to the Municipal Manager at Maluti-A-Phofung Maluti-A-Phofung has openly admitted that they have no intention of paying Eskom. RESULT: Their FNB bank account is still frozen!
Even though Judge Mhlambi ruled in favour of Maluti-A-Phofung’s appeal against Eskom on 9 October 2020, Eskom managed to swing them of their feet by appealing the ruling and so MAP still finds themselves… Penniless and broke while their cash is still on ice! UPDATED 10 SEPTEMBER 2020: We Are Going To Court / Ons Gaan Hof Toe - SEWERAGE SPILLS - HARRISMITH9/10/2020 It's been longer than a week since the court gave instructions to Maluti-A-Phofung to address and fix our sewerage problems and to date they have done NOTHING!
Our Attorneys have responded. Please read on, we have included the lawyer’s letter along with pictures of the sewerage problems we the residents must deal with daily while Maluti-A-Phofung is happy to ignore the problems we have brought to their attention and the very reason why we went to court. VS-muni begroot vir kameel melkery wyl dorp struikel Cheréne Pienaar Dear English Readers. We have not forgotten about you. Please scroll down for the translation.
#Harrismith #MainSeweragePlantDown #RioolInRivier #SewerageInWilgeriver #NoServiceDelivery #MalutiAPhofung 2020/#034
#Harrismith #MainSeweragePlantDown #RioolInRivier #SewerageInWilgeriver #NoServiceDelivery #MalutiAPhofung #MaroelaMedia 2020/#033 Greater Harrismith COVID-19: This project started on 21 / 04 / 2020. This blog post covers our progress as we go along and dates from latest news to the oldest news. Letter was written to MAP water 2020/#033 #Harrismith #Intabazwe #Tshiame #Charity #FoodParcel #COVID-19
HIT Residents Association Repaired: Massive storm water leak at 16 De Villiers Street Harrismith4/12/2020 Following the letter that was written by HIT Residents Association management on 08 April 2020: Maluti-A-Phofung did not repair the blocked storm pipes that's been causing damage to properties in De Villiers Street for longer than a year! This problem has been rapported to the Municipal offices on numerous occasions. But... these complaints fell on deaf ears just like many other complaints...
September 2024